Thursday, November 1, 2018

Praises & Prayer Requests

Greetings friends and family!!

The holidays are upon us, and there’s lots to praise the Lord for!!

Tom continues to pour into OUR DEAR RELATIONSHIPS in Sierra Leone as he and the construction crew work tirelessly to bring several phases of work to completion at the orphanage, and as work progresses on the special needs school project!

Becky has been utterly humbled and blessed to assist with training and relationship building among TWENTY-FIVE MISSIONARIES under the GoSendMe Global umbrella, some who are already serving stateside or on foreign soil, and others in various stages of preparation!

Your PRAYERS ARE NEEDED as we’ve had yet another turn of events. Tom has struggled over the past 2 months with recurring symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections that have proven to be quite severe. At the recommendation of physicians on both sides of the world, he will travel to Texas very soon for follow up. As you can imagine, the medical care he needs is not available in Sierra Leone.

As you prayerfully ponder your END-OF-YEAR GIVING, we would like to ask you to consider how the Lord might have you partner with us as we seek to serve Him in Sierra Leone and beyond! It’s all for the Kingdom! Click here for our newest video.

Our deepest love and appreciation! 

Tom and Beck

Cell: 903.818.7706
Facebook: Becky Brockelman
Instagram: tombeckbrock

For contributions:
Simple Online Giving:
Mail Gifts To:
P.O. Box 913106
Sherman, TX 75091
***please make checks out 
 to GoSendMe Global
and write the Brockelman’s
name on a separate note
included with the check rather
than on the check itself***

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