Hello dear friends and family!
We trust this finds you all doing well and diving deep into 2011! Can you believe it is February already?!?
We’ve been watching God work like crazy here in Sierra Leone. We are trying to keep up with Him and enjoying every moment. Aside from the projects we are involved in, on a weekly basis we come across individual needs. It is our aim to prayerfully consider each one and then act as God would have us to. Please know that we are mindful that your support is making this possible, and YOU are impacting people from across the ocean. We have numerous pictures and brief updates on our blog, and we invite you to look into the eyes of some of the people and groups that you are touching!
Projects YOU are a part of:
• Orphans, caretakers and widows – we have completed our second month of food distribution, agricultural work begins this month as the families clear land in preparation for high-yield seed that will be planted in March, simultaneous to this assessments for skills development is on-going and the War Widows are well on their way to marketing their sewing/crafts, also the 10 interns from the Bible College are continuing social work among the families to compliment our goals of long-rage sustainability for 226 orphans, all their caretaker families and 85 war widow families.
• Young adult skills development in the Jui Community – as of last week we have secured trainers for four areas of skills development with classes set to begin Feb 28th, these are in addition to computer classes that began in the fall.
• Waterloo street kids – we are thrilled to be developing relationships among the street kids, long-range plans are in the works for a “Drop-In Centre” as a first step toward an interim care facility with the ultimate goal of getting kids off the streets one child at a time.
• Hosetta School for kids with mental challenges – we can’t wait for teams to come in May and June, work continues on Phase I of a dorm facility, arrangements are being made for furnishings, possible dedication of building in May as students in need of “live-in” accommodation move in to their new home.
Individuals YOU are impacting:
• Saidu and Isata – we’ve helped with the educational needs of this brother and sister since 2009, now YOU are providing for their schooling
• David Sr and David Jr – help with food, school fees and supplies
• Ishmael’s children: Isha, Mariama, Mohamed - you may remember that Ishmael’s (a Muslim) home burned not long after we arrived, we watched as friends and family helped them get the house livable, our concern was for the children to have uniforms, books and supplies to finish out the school year, YOU have made this possible.
• “Father Joe” (Alhassan) – street kid with serious injury and infection from a cut on his foot, spent 12 days in a clinic facility, has now been reunited with family
• Alhaji – street kid with serious leg wound, spent 10 days at the clinic, has now been reunited with family and is attending school
• Mohamed (17) – street kid with pneumonia, Malaria and Typhoid, spent 14 days at the clinic, we tried reuniting with family, but after 6 years of being on his own he only stayed 2 days, we will now continue to minister to him on the streets with hopes that a Drop-In Centre will one day provide skills training that will offer him hope for the future
• Mohamed (9) – is still at the clinic after 26 days, his skin problems will take long-term aggressive treatment, we have visited with the uncle that was raising him before he took to the streets, we do not sense that the family has ever taken responsibility since his parents died 3 years ago, we are looking to have him transferred to the St George Refuge for Street Kids, they have a great track record and will certainly care for this precious little boy.
As you can see, God is touching lives all over the place through YOU!! We thank you from the depths of our being for your prayers and support! We are here because of YOU!
To the glory of our Father!
Tom and Beck
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